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On The Job Training
Practical on-the-job experience is a must in any occupation and the Construction Craft Laborers’ Trade is no exception. During this portion of the program, apprentices are paid their appropriate wage rate while receiving on-the-job training under actual working conditions on a construction project. Apprentices are required to accumulate a minimum of 3200 hours of on-the-job training as outlined below:
Skilled Laborer Program
I. Work Processes:
During the two-year term of Apprenticeship, each apprentice shall receive instruction and work experience in all facets of the “Skilled Laborer”
profession, mayor work processes in which each apprentice will be trained (although not necessarily in the order listed) and approximate hours (not necessarily continuous) to be spent in each area are as follows:
Heavy/Highway Construction…………………………………………1,600 hours
A. Laser Operation – On-the-Job training (OJT) of the set-up and uses of a transit level, hand level, and pocket field level. Training in grade checking, and laser beam system safety.
B. Signaling & Rigging – OJT on equipment signaling, flagging, and choker/sling setting.
C. Concrete Sawing – OJT on the safety, maintenance and uses of concrete saws.
D. Excavation – OJT on all facets of excavation.
E. Trenching and Shoring – OJT on the principles of hydraulic shoring, lagging, tight sheeting, and soils.
F. Soils and Compaction – OJT on the safe operation of tools and equipment used for soil compaction. Emphasis on gasoline tampers; operation and safety.
G. Line and Grade – OJT on checking grade. Training on measurement systems, stationing, slope staking, and material quantity calculations will also be included.
H. Pipe Laying – OJT on general techniques, shoring, line and grade, manholes and inverts, gravity flow systems, and pressure pipe systems.
I. Form setting – OJT on proper construction and placement procedures of concrete forms.
J. Sandblasting – OJT on the safe use of various sandblasting equipment. Apprentices will gain experience in the use of various materials, surfaces, proper hood and nozzle selection, proper air pressure selection, and proper equipment safety and maintenance.
K. Stripping – OJT on safe and proper uses of all tools and hardware related to stripping forms (braces, lumber, clamps and tie rods). Apprentices will also gain experience in cleaning and re-oiling forms.
L. Asphalt – OJT in the placement, spreading, and compaction techniques of asphaltic materials. Each apprentice will also learn the proper use of tools and other safety practices.
M. Drilling – OJT on operation, hook-up, drill and bit sizes rock formations, mud seam, equipment maintenance and safety.
Building Construction…………………………………………………1,250 hours
Areas of concentration will include, but may not be limited to, the following:
A. Carpenter Tending – OJT on various responsibilities of carpenter tenders. Lumber and nail sizes, tool recognition, and scaffold building will be emphasized.
B. Mason tending – OJT on various responsibilities of mason tenders. Mortar mixing, scaffold building, tool recognition, material estimation and stocking, and safety and operation of motorized equipment will be emphasized.
C. Cutting and Burning – Apprentices will learn the proper use of all gauges, hoses, tips and tanks. Hands on training in cutting materials of various sizes. Apprentices will also learn how to store equipment properly.
D. Concrete Placement – OJT on the techniques used in pouring and vibrating concrete. Apprentices will also learn to prepare, strip, and store forms used in concrete work.
E. Pneumatic Tools – OJT on the recognition, safe operation and maintenance various pneumatic tools and associated equipment. Engine power machines.
F. Small Equipment Operation and Maintenance – OJT on the safe operation and maintenance of various engine powered machines. These machines include power buggies, chain saws, lawn mowers, compactors, and any other machinery or equipment powered by a small engine.
G. Demolition – OJT on safe and proper practices in demolition work. Safe and proper use of tools and equipment. Proper techniques of dismantling.
Specialty Construction………………………………………………..350 hours
Areas of concentration will include, but may not be limited to, the following:
A. Asbestos Abatement – After receiving classroom instruction and certification, apprentices will be provide with OJT involving the various Asbestos Abatement procedures.
B. Lead Abatement – After receiving classroom instruction, apprentices will be provided with OJT involving the various Lead Abatement procedures.
C. Hazardous Waste – After receiving classroom instruction and certification, apprentices will be provided with OJT involving the various Hazardous Waste Removal procedures.
Total Hours______
II. Classroom Related Instruction:
Introduction – Include site and apprenticeship rules and regulations and tool
recognition……………………………………………………… 8hrs
Safety/First Aid/ CPR…………………………………………… 16hrs
Signaling and Rigging…………………………………………… 24hrs
Line and Grade…………………………………………………… 32hrs
Pneumatic Tools, Concrete Saws and Power Equipment … 32hrs
Trenching and Shoring…………………………………………. 32hrs
Soils and Compaction…………………………………………… .32hrs
Carpenter Tending………………………………………………. 32hrs
Mason Tending…………………………………………………… 32hrs
Basic Concrete…………………………………………………… 32hrs
Sandblasting……………………………………………………… 32hrs
Optional Courses – Depending upon the needs of the construction industry during the period of apprenticeship, the following courses may be substituted for other training units:
Pipe Laying……………………………………………………… 32hrs
Asphalt…………………………………………………………… 32hrs
Asbestos Abatement…………………………………………… 32hrs
Lead Abatement..………………………………………………. 32hrs
Hazardous Waste………………………………………………. 80hrs